Friday, 9 December 2011

China started a secret project, a large aircraft carrier fleet by 2020

Last year, China started a secret aircraft projects, the PLA Navy’s first aircraft carrier to be launched in 2015, 2020, it will build a large aircraft carrier fleet.

According to the recently released “Strategic Defense and Security Review”, HMS “Ark Royal” aircraft retired. Its sister aircraft carrier “Invincible” has long been retired, and the third ship “excellent” (HMS Illustrious) aircraft carrier will also be retired in 2014.

The announced cuts in the UK British aircraft carrier fleet, the ships remained at 25 on the number of weeks later, China began to build aircraft carriers to take action. Although the UK is investing 5.6 billion pounds to build two aircraft carriers – “Elizabeth,” Queen and “Prince of Wales” aircraft carrier – but compared with the Chinese navy plan, still pales.

Asahi Shimbun reported that the report quoted the Chinese State Oceanic Administration, a report describes in detail China’s aircraft carrier project. According to Asahi Shimbun reported that the secret of the State Oceanic Administration last year, decided to build by 2020 to “respond to challenges and threats at sea” and “medium-sized sea power,” while the aircraft carrier would certainly support that goal. Confidentiality of its aircraft carriers the Chinese military want to project, so the move to neighboring countries raised suspicions about the China threat.

In this regard, the report said, China ranked first in the world has a scale, there are 1.6 million active duty Army forces, and now they have one of its 25 million active duty with the naval forces, and over the past decade, its ships and is also investing heavily in hardware. For example, China’s Hainan Island, built a secret naval base, is believed to accommodate up to 20 nuclear submarines.

In this case, the Chinese become more confident in the sea area: it sent the destroyers, frigates and submarines throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean, and its Navy pilot also demonstrated the complex task of air refueling.

In the United Kingdom’s first new aircraft carrier is expected to ship into the water a year later, in 2015 launched China’s first aircraft carrier is about 2020, its turn in the existing 27 destroyers, 52 frigates and 66 submarines over and build a large aircraft carrier fleet. China’s aircraft carrier project will promote China’s military power into the world club, when its will on the U.S. naval superiority in the Pacific challenge.

Although the U.S. aircraft carrier has more than any other country in the world more, of which 11 are in active state, but Washington was still worried about their ability to free access to Asian waters may be restricted by the Chinese navy. Besides the U.S., the Chinese-made aircraft carrier’s move is also worried that Vietnam and the Philippines, the two countries on the issue of sovereignty in some Pacific islands, a dispute with China.

However, the U.S. Navy affairs analyst Raymond Pritchett and not too worried about China’s first aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier that China has a long overdue. Taking into account the health of China’s shipbuilding industry, Pritchett predicts the next five years, “We expect China will steadily build conventional and nuclear submarines, more ships along the coast, a large number of cruise ships at sea and medium-sized surface warships, amphibious ships, and is now steadily building aircraft carriers. ”

Pritchett went on, competition with China is a warship, “Kuibenmaimai” suggesting instead “concerned about the larger surface combatant force, a corresponding increase in our country find a way to aircraft carriers, amphibious ships and coastal warships, the value of investment . ” Then, there will always ship the counterparty.

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