International Relations
in an Emerging Multi Lateral World
The Indian Ocean Region: A Story Told with Pictures
- from
Coco Islands to
Chittagong, to
Visakhapatanam, to
Andaman Islands, to
Stirling, to
to Trincomalee, to
Hambantota, to
Maldives, to
Diego Garcia,
to Madagascar, to
Cochin to
Karwar and to
Indian Ocean
Region & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom
Indian Ocean is the third largest body of water in
the world
A major sea lane boasting rich living and
non-living resources
Ocean & German U Boats during World War II
Maritime Balance of Power in the Asia-Pacific
Strategic Importance
of the Indian Ocean
Myanmar, Coco Island - China
Chittagong, Bangladesh
- China
Visakhapatnam Naval Base, Andhra Pradesh - India
Kattabomman,Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu - India
Andaman Islands & the Straits of
Malacca - a Choke Point
Stirling, Cockburn Sound, West Australia
Sethusamudram Project
- India
Kappal Oddiya Thamilan
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
- India - US
Hambantota, Sri Lanka - China
Marao, Maldives - China
Diego Garcia
- US
Madagascar - India
Cochin in Kerala
- India
Karwar, Karnataka - India
Pakistan - China
Indian Ocean Region - a Satellite View
Asia Pacific Centre for Security Studies - Course
Declaration of the Indian
Ocean as a Zone of Peace, 1971
Indian Ocean Region & the
Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom - Nadesan Satyendra,
24 May 2007
Given the key roles played in
the Tamil
Eelam struggle for freedom by
India, the United States
China (with
lesser roles for the European Union, Japan and Pakistan) it is not without importance for
the Tamil people to further their own understanding of the
foreign policy objectives of these countries - this
is more so because the record shows that British Foreign
Secretary, Lord Palmerston was right when he remarked
150 years ago
'We have no eternal allies and we
have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal
and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to
States do not have
permanent friends but have only permanent interests.
And, it is these interests that
they pursue, whether overtly or covertly. Furthermore, the
interests of a state are a function of the interests of groups
which wield power within that state and 'foreign policy is the
external manifestation
of domestic institutions, ideologies and other attributes of the
In the end, the success of the
Tamil Eelam
struggle for
will be a function of
the capacity of the leadership of the struggle to mobilise its own people
and its own resources at the broadest and deepest
level - and this means, amongst other things, broadening
and deepening the understanding of the Tamil
people of the motivations of the international actors in
relation to the struggle for Tamil Eelam. Otherwise
will continue to confuse our people by leading them to
believe that all that needs to be done is to wake up the
international community to the justice of our cause and
all will be well. Unfortunately
the world is
not rotating on the axis of human justice.
In an important sense for the past 25
years and more, it will be true to say that two
conflicts have raged in the island of Sri Lanka. One is
the conflict arising from the struggle of the people of
Tamil Eelam to free themselves from
alien Sinhala rule.
And the other is the conflict resulting from the
struggle between international actors for power and influence in
the Indian Ocean
region - a struggle reflected in the two geo political triangles:
U.S.- India - China relations and China - Pakistan - India
relations. For the US we may read the Trilaterals
i.e. US, European Union (including UK) and Japan. But that is not
to say that the interests of the Trilaterals
have always been congruent with each other - Iraq is a
recent example.
Furthering our understanding of the strategic interests of the
'international community' (i.e. the Trilaterals, India
and China ) will better equip us to engage in the real
task of addressing those interests - and indeed, engaging with
them. Each one of
us (both Tamils and the 'international community') may want to remind ourselves yet
again of the words of
Sri Aurobindo, written a century ago in June 1907 -
"The mistake which despots, benevolent or malevolent, have
been making ever since organised states came into existence and which, it seems,
they will go on making to the end of the chapter, is that they
their coercive power, which is physical and material and therefore palpable, and
underestimate the power and vitality of ideas and sentiments.
A feeling or a thought,
aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power,
in so many fighting men, so many armed police, so many guns, so many prisons,
such and such laws, ukases, and executive powers. But such feelings and thoughts
are more powerful than fighting men and guns and
prisons and laws and ukases..."
Each one of us may also want to pay more careful
attention to the
story line in Gillo Pontecorvo's
Queimeda -
"... (The captured leader of the
liberation struggle) Jose Dolores does not assail his captor;
he tries to inspire and convert him. He tells the young man
(who guards him)
that he does not wish to be released because this would only
indicate that it was convenient for his enemy. What serves
his enemies is harmful to him.
"Freedom is not something a
man can give you," he tells the boy. Dolores is cheered by
the soldier's questions because, ironically, in men like the
soldier who helps to put him to death, but who is disturbed
and perplexed by Dolores, he sees in germination the future
revolutionaries of Queimada. To enter the path of
consciousness is to follow it to rebellion.....Pontecorvo
zooms to Walker as he listens to Dolores' final message
which breaks his silence: "Ingles, remember what you
said. Civilization belongs to whites. But what
civilization? Until when?" The stabbing of Walker on his
way to the ship by an angry rebel comes simultaneously
with a repetition of the Algerian cry for freedom. It is
followed, accompanied by percussion, by a pan of
inscrutable, angry black faces on the dock. The frame
freezes, fixing their expressions indelibly in our
And perhaps each one of us may
also want to
more careful attention to the words of Professor
Johan Galtung , uttered not a hundred years ago (and
said not in a film) but
more recently in
February this year in an interview with a Sinhala
journalist -
"..But imagine it happens:
Killinochchi is flattened,
Mr P is dead,
dissolved. Will the Tamil
dream of a Tamil Eelam die? Of course not. It
will be revived, and new cycles of violence will occur. And probably
new CFAs. And possibly the same mistake,
confusing ceasefire with peace,
using it as a sleeping pillow to do nothing..."
அச்சம் என்பது மடமையடா,
அஞ்சாமை திராவிடர் உடமையடா..
Indian Ocean is the third largest body of water in
the world
The oceans of the world
occupy 70 percent of the earth's surface and
interestingly, on average, about 70% of the
earth's population live within 150 kilometres of a
coastline. Forty seven countries have the Indian
Ocean on their shores. The Indian Ocean is the third largest body of water in the
world. The first is the Pacific Ocean and the second is the
Atlantic Ocean. The Indian
Ocean occupies 20 percent of the world’s ocean surface - it is nearly 10,000 kilometers wide at the
southern tips of Africa and Australia and its area is 68.556
square kilometers , about 5.5 times the size of the US.
The Indian Ocean includes Andaman Sea, Arabian Sea, Bay
of Bengal, Flores Sea, Great Australian Bight, Gulf of
Aden, Gulf of Oman, Java Sea, Mozambique Channel,
Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Savu Sea, Strait of Malacca, and
Timor Sea. The decision by the
International Hydrographic Organization in the spring of 2000 to
a fifth ocean, the Southern Ocean, removed the
portion of the Indian Ocean south of 60 degrees south
The many islands in the Indian Ocean include
Coco Islands, Andaman Islands, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Diego Garcia,
Seychelles and Mauritius. And the sea ports include Chittagong in Bangladesh; Trincomalee, Colombo and
(Hambantota - planned) in Sri Lanka; Freemantle in Western
Australia; Visakhapatnam,
Cochin, Karwar in India, Gwador and Ormara in Pakistan,
Port Louis in
Port Victoria in
Seychelles, and Phuket
in Thailand.
Indian Ocean is a major sea lane
with rich living and non-living resources
accounts for 90 percent of world trade in goods.
World Fact Book, C.I.A. - "An estimated 40% of the world's
offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean.
Beach sands rich in heavy minerals and offshore placer
deposits are actively exploited by bordering countries,
particularly India, South Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
and Thailand... "
The role of the Indian
Ocean in Facilitating Global Maritime Trade, Nazery
Khalid, June 2005 - "The Indian Ocean a major sea lane
connecting Middle East, East Asia and Africa with Europe
and the Americas. Boasting rich living and non-living
resources, from marine life to oil and natural gas, IO
is economically crucial to Africa, Asia and Australasia,
the three continents bordering it, and the world at
large....The Indian Ocean is a critical waterway for
global trade and commerce. This strategic expanse hosts
heavy international maritime traffic that includes half of
the world’s containerized cargo, one third of its bulk cargo
and two third of its oil shipment. Its waters carry heavy
traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the
oilfields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia, and contain an
estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production...
The Ocean features four critically important access
waterways facilitating international maritime trade - the
Suez Canal in Egypt,
Bab-el-Mandeb (bordering Djibouti and
Straits of Hormuz (bordering Iran and Oman), and
Straits of Malacca (bordering Indonesia and Malaysia). These
“chokepoints” or narrow channels are critical to world oil
trade as huge amounts of oil pass through them. "
Indian Ocean & German U Boats
during World War II |
Marcin Jedrzejewski on
U-boats in the Indian Ocean and the Far East -
"The German Monsun U-boats were perhaps the most special
"wolfpack" in the war as they operated very far from Germany and
its occupied countries, namely in the Indian Ocean out of
japanese provided bases in Indonesia."
Lawrence Paterson -
Hitler's Grey Wolves: U-Boats in the Indian Ocean - " ...Next
to nothing has been written about the U-boat war in the Indian
Ocean. This is the story of a forgotten campaign. The battle
began in August 1943, when a German submarine arrived in the
Malaysian harbour of Georgetown. In total, nearly fourty U-boats
were assigned to penetrate the Indian Ocean, serving
alongside troops of the occupying Imperial Japanese
Maritime Balance of Power
in the Asia-Pacific |
Barry Desker, Director IDSS,
Singapore - "the emergence of new powers like
China and India is expected to transform the regional
strategic landscape in a fashion that could be as
dramatic as the rise of Germany in the 19th century and
the United States in the 20th century"
Sam Bateman, Institute of Defence
and Strategic Studies, Singapore "...India continues to
have the most powerful navy; dominating the Indian
Ocean. India’s maritime influence is extending
eastwards, and as a consequence it will become a greater player in regional political and security affairs. This is
essentially part of its effort to counter any advancement of Chinese
naval power in the Indian Ocean. India is also actively developing
its strategic relationship with the US and by doing so has further
boosted its role in the region. Naval development will continue to
be a top priority of the Indian armed forces and there will be a
re-establishment of a credible aircraft carrier capability in the
near future. .. there are serious long term implications of India’s apparent desire
to demonstrate a capability to operate East of Singapore, and
China’s similar intentions to operate into the Indian Ocean.”
Dr Eric Grove "..the move
towards the littoral is the latest in a series of
‘oscillations’ driven by strategic and technological
factors: navies moved out to sea in the 18th century,
and then back to the littoral in the 19th century. By the Second
World War, littoral power projection along with the battle for sea
control had manifested themselves in terms of amphibious landing
crafts and carrier air power. This trend was reinforced during the
Cold War where the confrontation of Soviet and Western navies on the
high seas created a new ‘blue water’ emphasis to naval doctrines.
was only after the Cold War where there was a return to the current
littoral priority. This ‘power projection’ paradigm is being
followed by all the world’s major navies, with the paradigm taken to
mean the deployment of stand-off military capabilities that are able
to deliver significant force either to deter or coerce. The
definition of the littoral has also been stretched in the wake of
Operation ‘Enduring Freedom’ where Afghanistan, a land locked
country, was converted into the littoral with US carrier based
aircraft conducting most of the bombing missions. This demonstrated
that aircraft carriers could substitute for the lack of a host nation in providing bases
and support. Hence, power projection assets are becoming the centerpieces of the world’s advanced navies. Furthermore, this
emphasis on power projection increases the disconnect between the
higher levels of contemporary naval doctrine and the more
traditional aspects of ‘sea power’, notably merchant shipping..."
Donald L. Berlin, Head of Security Studies, Asia
Pacific Centre for Security Studies, Honolulu,
Hawaii "The Indian ocean region had
become the strategic heartland of the 21st century,
dislodging Europe and North East Asia which adorned
this position in the 20th century.. the developments
in the Indian Ocean region were contributing to the
advent of a less Western centric and a more
multi-polar world."
Strategic Importance of the Indian
Ocean for US
Lt Gen (Retd) Sardar F.S.Lodi in Indian
Ocean and our Security, March 2000 - "It was Admiral Alfred T.
Mahan (1840-1914) of the United States Navy who is
reported to have said that who ever attains maritime
supremacy in the Indian Ocean would be a prominent
player on the international scene. Admiral Mahan was
a great Naval strategic thinker and historian who was in
many ways the Naval equivalent of the Army's Clausewitz
(General Karl Von Clausewitz of Germany). It was in 1890
that Mahan wrote the famous treatise on 'The influence
of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783' that changed Naval
thinking in the United States."
Alfred Thayer Mahan - The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
- from a Review by Harold Y. Grooms at - "...Mahan's book has had a tremendous impact on
history. .. The elements of sea
power are the same today as in 1900 when this book was first
published. With a world economy as interdependent as today's,
Mahan's principles are as valid as they were in the 1600's and
1700's, perhaps even more so. German war philosopher, Carl von
Clausewitz's classic treatise, "On War," is considered a must
read for every Army officer. Mahan's work is to the sea-battle
as von Clausewitz's is to the land. Historians, military
strategists, and architects of America's foreign, economic and
national security policies should read this important work to
gain insights on the necessity of protecting vital and
vulnerable sea lines of communications worldwide. "
String of Pearls:Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power
Across the Asian Littoral - Lt.Col. Christopher J. Pehrson, July, 2006
The geopolitical strategy
dubbed the “String of Pearls” is arising as foreign oil
becomes a center of gravity critical to China’s energy
needs. China’s rising maritime power is encountering
American maritime power along the sea lines of
communication (SLOCs) that connect China to vital energy
resources in the Middle East and Africa. The “String of
Pearls” describes the manifestation of China’s rising
geopolitical influence through efforts to increase
access to ports and airfields, develop special
diplomatic relationships, and modernize military forces
that extend from the South China Sea through the Strait
of Malacca, across the Indian Ocean, and on to the
Arabian Gulf. .. Each “pearl” in the “String of Pearls”
is a nexus of Chinese geopolitical influence or military
presence. Hainan Island, with recently upgraded military
facilities, is a “pearl.” An upgraded airstrip on Woody
Island, located in the Paracel archipelago 300 nautical
miles east of Vietnam, is a “pearl.” A container
shipping facility in Chittagong, Bangladesh, is a
“pearl.” Construction of a deep water port in Sittwe,
Myanmar, is a “pearl,” as is the construction of a navy
base in Gwadar, Pakistan. Port and airfield construction
projects, diplomatic ties, and force modernization form
the essence of China’s “String of Pearls.” The “pearls”
extend from the coast of mainland China through the
littorals of the South China Sea, the Strait of Malacca,
across the Indian Ocean, and on to the littorals of the
Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. China is building
strategic relationships and developing a capability to
establish a forward presence along the sea lines of
communication (SLOCs) that connect China to the Middle

Strategic Importance of the Indian
Ocean - for India
India, the Indian Ocean and Geo-politics Posted on
06.12.06 by Jaffna in the Indian National Interest - "The Indian peninsula (i.e. the
Deccan and below) juts 1,240 miles into the Indian
Ocean. 50% of the Indian Ocean basin lies within a 1,000
mile radius of India, a reality that has strategic
implications. India is one of six countries in the world
to have developed the technology to extract minerals
from the deep sea bed. Under the law of the sea, it has
an exclusive economic zone of 772,000 square miles.
Chennai is a mere 3,400 miles away from Perth in
Australia, slightly more than the distance between New
York and Los Angeles.
The Straits of Malacca, the world’s second busiest sea
lane, assume relevance here. 80% of Japan’s oil supplies
and 60% of China’s oil supplies are shipped through the
Straits of Malacca. US$ 70 billion worth of oil passes
through the straits each year. Almost half the world’s
containerized traffic passes through this choke point.
Most of the ships approach the straits through the 10
degree channel between the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
India has the potential to dominate a strategic sea
lane. India established its Far Eastern Marine Command
at Port Blair in the Andamans. It plans to develop Port
Blair as a strategic international trade center and
build an oil terminal and transhipment port in Campal
Bay in the Nicobar islands.
The conflict-affected Indonesian province of Aceh sits
at the tip of Sumatra i.e. the southern entrance of the
Straits of Malacca. The Chola empire had an outpost in
Aceh in early medieval times while the Portuguese, Dutch
and British controlled it thereafter in succession. Aceh
has large reserves of natural gas and minerals. The land
mark peace accord between Acehnese rebels and Djakarta
needs to be viewed in the context of this strategic sea

Cdr. P K Ghosh in Maritime
Security Challenges in South Asia and the Indian Ocean,
18 January 2004 - "...The Indian Ocean region, the birthplace of
maritime civilization, was considered a playground of
rich industrial European nations during the colonial
era. With the commencement of decolonization in 1946,
the euphoria of independence was overshadowed by the
turbulence of internecine conflicts and inter-state wars
that followed. During the Cold War era the two
superpowers reinforced their maritime influence directly
or indirectly through an impressive array of available
port facilities in this region. History was repeating
itself in an evolved form.
The post-Cold War era has heralded a
socio-politico-strategic shift in thought.
Globalization, specifically economics, today dominates
strategic considerations. This has led to enhanced
maritime security concerns, since most regional trade is
sea-borne. Despite "maritime bonding", this region has
unfortunately not seen the emergence of a vibrant
trans-oceanic community. This may be rooted in regional
countries’ wide dissimilarities and divergent interests,
which have prompted each country to pursue economic
linkages with Europe or North America rather than with
each other. This has inevitably limited the region’s
economic growth.
The Indian Ocean is home to many choke
points, such as the Straits of Hormuz, Straits of
Malacca, Lombok and the Sunda Straits. Any disruption in
traffic flow through these points can have disastrous
consequences. The disruption of energy flows in
particular is a considerable security concern for
littoral states, as a majority of their energy lifelines
are sea-based. Since energy is critical in influencing
the geo-political strategies of a nation, any turbulence
in its supply has serious security consequences. Given
the spiralling demand for energy from India, China and
Japan, it is inevitable that these countries are
sensitive to the security of the sea lines of
communication (SLOCs) and choke points of the region."
Shaping India's Maritime Strategy: Opportunities &
Challenges, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, Chief of Naval Staff,
India, November 2005
"Sir Julian Corbett,
the British maritime strategist who enunciated a
diplomatic role for the navy wrote: - “Yes, it is
true that the primary purpose of the fleet is to win
the ‘Big Battle’. But in the meanwhile, the great
dramatic moments in history have to be worked for,
and the first pre-occupation of the fleet is to
interfere with the enemy’s military, economic and
diplomatic purposes.”... During the long years of
peace, we need to project power and show presence;
catalyse partnerships through our maritime
capability; build trust and create interoperability
through joint operations and international maritime
assistance. Occasions may arise when a state is
required to use coercion to achieve national aims,
and maritime power is best suited for a graduated
escalation...The criticality of the sea-lanes from
the Persian Gulf to the Straits of Malacca is
evident from the fact that of the US$ 200 billion
worth of oil coming out of the Strait of Hormuz
annually, US$ 70 billion passes through the Straits
of Malacca, mainly bound for China, Japan and South
Korea. "
"Let this be clear:
the two major powers of the region, China and India,
are scrambling for advantage around the Indian
Ocean's rim. China is building military and naval
links with Bangladesh and Myanmar. The cooperation
between China and African countries is now getting
more and more visible, particularly after the
China-Africa summit in Beijing in November 2006...
Reports available indicate that both India and the
United States are studying intensely this rise in
Chinese activity. At the last meeting of the Indo-US
Defence Joint Working Group held in New Delhi,
China's 'growing naval expansion in the Indian
Ocean' was noted with concern, about. The meeting
also noted: 'China is rapidly increasing military
and maritime links with countries such as Myanmar,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles,
Mauritius and Madagascar.'...Isn’t it time for the
‘owners’ of the Indian Ocean to get together to
protect their own interests? "
"...Last April (2007), at
a two-day workshop at the Indian Defense Studies
Analysis (IDSA), a New Delhi-based think tank,
discussions took place on emerging U.S.-Indian strategic
relations. One Indian analyst pointed out that although
Indians are eager to obtain U.S. technology, a "trust
deficit" still exists, based on past U.S. sanctions on
India, and Indians worry that at a crucial time they
might not be supplied with replacement parts if the
relationship goes bad again.... A senior Indian military
official delivering a luncheon address to the conference
cautioned that Indo-U.S. relations are likely to remain
fluid, and unpredictable. He asserted that those
relations can be better described as an "evolving
entente," and argued that given its size, location, and
ambitions, India will always march to the beat of its
own drummer..."
Strategic Importance of the Indian
Ocean - for China
Setting the Stage for a New Cold War: China's Quest for
Energy Security - PINR, 25 February 2005 - "..China, which has been a net oil
importer since 1993, is the world's number two oil
consumer after the U.S. and has accounted for 40 percent
of the world's crude oil demand growth since 2000.
.. in the presence of sporadic power shortages, growing
car ownership and air travel across China and the
importance of energy to strategically important and
growing industries such as agriculture, construction,
and steel and cement manufacturing, pressure is going to
mount on China to access energy resources on the world
stage. As a result, energy security has become an area
of vital importance to China's stability and security.
China is stepping up efforts to secure sea lanes and
transport routes that are vital for oil shipments.
Anthony Paul - Asian Giants' Game of Chess in Indian
Ocean, The Straits Times, 16 May 2007 - " Oil tankers, aircraft carriers,
container ships crisscross the Indian Ocean daily – and
both China and India have a vested interest in open and
secure sea lanes. As a result, both nations compete to
woo neighboring nations throughout Africa and Asia:
China has sent youth groups to Seychelles to volunteer
and engineers to help Pakistan complete a deep sea port
at Gwadar for accessing Iranian oil, while India patrols
the coast of Mozambique and builds a monitoring station
in Madagascar. In what he calls a game of “oceanic
chess,” journalist Anthony Paul points out that India
and China follow examples set by Europe and the US
during previous centuries for pursuing military
advantage. Nations looking on from the sidelines can't
help but wonder whether the mounting competition for
strategic partners around the rim of the Indian Ocean,
along with expectations that nations choose sides, will
disrupt the region or provide lasting security.

Strategic Importance of the Indian
Ocean - for Japan
Japan’s Indian
Ocean Naval Deployment: Blue water militarization in a
“normal country” - Richard Tanter in Japan Focus, 21 March
"By most standards, Japan is now the
world’s number two naval power. This article, and the
accompanying Asahi Shimbun series on Japan’s four year
Maritime Self Defense Force deployment to the Indian
Ocean, reveals how far Japan’s military reach now
extends within the framework of US-Japan alliance.
...the primary reason for dispatching the Kongo-class
Aegis ships (to the Indian Ocean) ...was... do with the prodigious area-wide
surveillance and tracking capacities of the Aegis air
defense system operated by the Kongo-class ships . These
would have enabled the MSDF ships to cooperate with both
US and UK navy and air units operating not only in the
Indian Ocean, but possibly over Afghanistan itself. The
possibility has also been raised that they were used to
provide air defense warning for the approaches to the
giant US-base on Diego Garcia in the Chagos Archipelago
– a crucial and ongoing staging ground for both the war
on Afghanistan and the war on Iraq."

The DD173 Kongo is equipped with the
advanced Aegis combat system
equipped with prodigious area-wide surveillance and tracking
"The MSDF played an
important role in supplying fuel to the multinational
forces that confronted the terrorists' organization in
the Indian Ocean. Because ships en route to the Persian
Gulf always pass there, fuel was supplied to all that
were designated as working against the actions of
...In 1991, the MSDF left
Japanese seas for the first time to engage in disposing
of sea mines off Kuwait. Commander Kawano says, "The
difference from the activities in 1991 is that now Japan
works in cooperation with ten other countries." He also
said, “Japan doesn't go there to fire missiles. Working
together with other countries in the same place is what
is important."
Admiral Kojo Koichi (59), who has been engaged in the
mission from the beginning, told each commander, "This
mission doesn’t mean just the support for US-UK military
action. What you have done is for Japan. I want you to
keep telling the crew this." His words show his
recognition of the fact that the sea lane that the fleet
uses between Japan and the Indian Ocean is the same one
that oil tankers use to link Japan with the Middle
Strategic Importance of the Indian
Ocean - for Australia
Australian Centre for Maritime Studies Submission to
Australian Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Trade, 4 November 2002
"..Vital to Australia’s economic well being is the
security of maritime trade, particularly in the Western
Pacific and Indian Ocean. The world’s principal trading
blocs, USA, EU, Japan/Korea/China/East Asia, comprise
mercantile trading nations dependent on Middle East oil
to sustain their economies. Australia’s economy is tied
to these principal trading blocs. Significant facts
which are relevant to this vital trade.
• The three busiest container ports in the world are to
be found in East Asia – Hong Kong (12,500,000 TEUs
p.a.), Singapore (10,500,000 TEUs p.a.), Kaohsiung
(Taiwan) (5,500,000 TEUs p.a.)
• On any one day 40% of the world’s mercantile marine is
to be found in East Asian waters between Singapore and
• The high percentage of the world’s oil tankers
which transits the Straits of Hormuz (NW Indian Ocean)
and the Malacca Straits.
Any major disruption to these Sealines of Communication
(SLOCs) would have a major impact on the day-to-day
lives of Australians so that as part of our national
security strategy Australia should have deployable
maritime forces able to contribute to SLOC security
operations including operations to counter piracy,‡ an
increasing problem in our immediate region. To quote
Paul Dibb: ‘Almost half the world’s maritime trade
passes through the confined straits and archipelagic
waters of Southeast Asia and the South China Sea.’
The economic implications of a major disruption to
sea-borne trade would impact severely on Australia."
Maritime Environment "...The
importance of the maritime environment is both a
worldwide reality and one with
particular significance for Australia. 70 per cent of
the surface of the Earth is covered
by sea and this means that maritime power is
frequently the most efficient means of
applying force in a conflict... The area of direct
interest to Australia’s security encompasses a
substantial percentage of the Earth’s surface. Australia
adjoins the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Indian
Ocean in the west, the South East Asian archipelago in
the north and—sometimes forgotten—the Southern
Ocean. Our maritime jurisdictional areas alone comprise
more than eight million square nautical miles (or almost
16 million square kilometres). Our
security requirements are such that maritime forces can
find themselves rapidly moving
from one extreme of climate and local sea environment to
another... Naval forces conduct surveillance and
enforcement operations in concert with several civil
agencies. ... Australia’s interests involve even greater
issues of distance than do our imperatives of
territorial defence alone. One major interest is the
continuation of the free movement of shipping through
maritime South East Asia. The most direct routes to
Japan and Australia’s other major trading partners in
East Asia are through the archipelago. Interruption of
or interference with international shipping would have
immediate effects on Australia’s economy and its export

Myanmar, Coco Islands -

Sudha Ramachandran in Myanmar plays off India and
China, 17 August 2005 - "..Myanmar's military government leased
the Coco Islands to the Chinese in 1994. China has a
maritime reconnaissance and electronic intelligence station
on the Great Coco Island and is building a base on Small
Coco Island. The significance of these facilities for China
stems from the fact that the Coco Islands are located at a
crucial point in traffic routes between the Bay of Bengal
and the Malacca Strait and lie very close to India. India's
first joint services command, the Joint Andaman and Nicobar
Strategic Defense Command, is headquartered in Port Blair in
the Andaman Islands.
The Coco islands are an ideal location for monitoring Indian
naval facilities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and also
movements of the Indian navy and other navies throughout the
eastern Indian Ocean. India believes that the Chinese are
using the Coco Islands to keep an eye on India's
missile-testing facilities at Chandipur-on-Sea located in
the eastern coastal state of Orissa.
According to Indian defense analyst Rahul Bedi, "China is
reportedly training Myanmar's naval intelligence officials
and helping Yangon execute surveys of its coastline
contiguous to India." Drawing attention to the "burgeoning
naval cooperation" between the two countries, he writes that
China is helping Myanmar modernize its naval bases at
Hianggyi, Coco, Akyab, Zadetkyi Kyun, Mergui and Khaukphyu.
It has provided help in building radar, refit and refuel
facilities that are expected to support Chinese submarine
operations in the region..."
A.B.Mahapatra in Commanding the Ocean, 16 May 2001
- " China is in control of Myanmar’s Coco
Island with a powerful Russian-made radar and electronic
surveillance system and has subsidiary electronic listening
posts in Man-aung, Hainggyi and Zadetkyi Island. "Chinese
technicians," says The International Institute for Strategic
Studies (IISS) of London, "have been spotted at the naval
bases at Monkey Point, near Yangon, and Kyaikkami, south of
the port city of Moulmein. There is also a Chinese-built
radar station on Saganthit island near Mergui in
south-eastern Myanmar…the new radar equipment is
Chinese-made and probably operated, at least in part, by
Chinese technicians, enabling Beijing’s intelligence
agencies to monitor this sensitive maritime region. China
and Myanmar have pledged to share intelligence of potential
use to both countries."
Chittagong, Bangladesh
- China
Bangladesh plays the China card - World
Affairs Board - "Bangladesh
is offering its Chittagong port to the Chinese navy,
providing it access to the Bay of Bengal and the Indian
Ocean. To some extent, China already enjoys access to the
Bay of Bengal thanks to the Myanmar junta, who also provide
it with offshore naval and electronic surveillance
facilities at the Coco Islands in near the Andaman Sea.
Similarly, China is assisting Pakistan with the Gwadar deep
sea port which it can access via overland routes through
Bangladesh-China- Defence Cooperation Agreement's Strategic
Implications: An Analysis, by Dr. Subhash Kapila, 14 January
2003 - " Despite protestations
by Bangladesh, that the Defence Cooperation Agreement is not
aimed at India, the symbolic value, if not anything else,
would dismay India greatly. India cannot ignore the
strategic embrace of Bangladesh by China, whose strategic
implications are:
* China's strategic intrusiveness in South Asia gets further
* Bangladesh’s enhanced military profile will have to be
factored in India's future military plans.
* India will now have to factor in a fourth strategic
concern in its operational plans, namely
China-Pakistan-Bangladesh military collusion in the context
of any Indo-Pak or Sino–Indian conflict.
* China’s naval intrusions are facilitated by Bangladesh
into the Bay of Bengal area.
* India’s North East region's strategic vulnerabilities
(especially the lines of communication) become more
* India’s IRBM deployments in the North East against China
will now need more securing.
All the above concerns are realistic and one cannot be
dismissive about them as conclusions of an overactive
imagination.... Till now it appeared that the United States
had a good military hold on Bangladesh. The United States
had been providing military training assistance to
Bangladesh. Bangladesh Armed Forces personnel were
participating in US Pacific Command’s training events and
the US Marines had carried out familiarization exercises in
Bangladesh. On the economic front, the United States had
been more than generous towards Bangladesh. Logically,
therefore, Bangladesh, should have turned to the United
States for military Insurance to offset her threat
perceptions, basically focused on India. That it did not do
so, and turned towards China, carries strategic implications
for the United States as follows:
* China had earlier outflanked United States strategic
interests in the Gulf region by its strategic nexus with
* China can now outflank United States strategic interests
in South East Asia by reinforcing the defence cooperation
with Bangladesh into a strategic nexus.
* China adds Bangladesh as an additional pressure point
against United States in South Asia in addition to Pakistan.
* China’s containment by the United States at some future
date becomes complex with Pakistan and Bangladesh in a
strategic nexus with China.
Visakhapatnam Naval Base
Andhra Pradesh - India |
India's Eastern Naval Command
"The Eastern Naval Command, with its Headquarters in
Visakhapatnam, is .. a full-fledged operational command,
whose primary role is to safeguard against aggression on the
eastern front and provide security to Indian territory,
ports, harbours, oil platforms and other maritime assets and
resources in India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Hundreds
of ships carrying vital cargo including crude oil, transit
through the Malacca Straits every day. These vessels depend
on the Indian Navy for their safe passage. ... "

Visakhapatnam: India navy drops another
anchor - Sudha Ramachandran, 17 October 2006 "The Indian Navy is getting
a new base on the country's east coast. It is 50 kilometers
south of Visakhapatnam, where the navy's eastern command is
headquartered. This is India's second east-coast
naval base, and it is designed to help protect the country's
trade with Southeast Asia and to keep a wary eye on China's
naval posture in the Bay of Bengal. The new eastern naval
base, along with INS
Kadamba would thus emerge as second-tier defense in
depth at sea for the Indian Navy... The proposed base on
India's east coast is the latest addition to its rapidly
growing naval and maritime profile. India's navy is the
fifth-largest in the world... India describes the waters
extending from the Strait of Hormuz to the Strait of
Malacca, from Africa's east coast to the western shores of
Australia as part of its "rightful domain". An overwhelming
proportion of India's imports, especially its oil imports,
come by sea. Control over sea lanes of communication (SLOCs)
is therefore vital for realization of its dreams of becoming
a global economic powerhouse. All this requires a naval and
maritime fleet that can protect the SLOCs. .. Over 50% of
India's trade passes through the Malacca Strait... An
enhanced naval presence in the Bay of Bengal is therefore
vital for India. It was this that prompted India to set up a
naval command on the
Andaman and Nicobar islands.
. The
proposed base would have comprehensive anti-air,
anti-submarine and amphibious capability, meaning a greater
allocation of priority to the emergent Chinese naval force
posture in the Myanmar region..."
Indian Naval Station Kattabomman,Tirunelveli, Tamil
Nadu |
Flag-Officer-Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval
Command, O. P. Bansal, at INS Kattabomman
Tirunelveli on 14 May 2005, after
unveiling the statue of Veerapandia Kattabomman. |
INS Kattabomman,
located at Tirunelveli - Global
"Whereas a submarine on the surface can
transmit and receive wireless messages just like a ship can,
submerged submarines can only receive wireless messages on
Very Low Frequency (VLF). VLF transmitters require huge
antennae suspended high above the ground. The initial
discussions were solely with the Russian side, from whom the
submarines had been acquired. Inquiries with western
manufacturers indicated that better technology might be
available from America. Parallel discussions were therefore
pursued, both with Russia and with America. Between 1979 and
1984, modalities were worked out for American company in
collaboration with an Indian company to assume
responsibility for the detailed design, manufacture, site
installation and commissioning of the VLF transmitting
station. During the same period, the Defence Research and
Development Organisation designed the antennae to be fitted
in the submarine for receiving VLF transmissions.
Installation of the VLF Transmitter commenced in 1987.
Trials completed in 1989. On 20 Oct 90, the VLF Transmitting
Station was commissioned as INS Kattabomman."
Indian Navy "INS Kattabomman, located at
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu is home to a VLF (Very Low
Frequency) station and communications network. It allows the
Navy to communicate with its submarines, underwater, at long
ranges. It can monitor surface vessels and can distinguish
between merchant vessels and naval vessels over long
distances in the Indian Ocean. It is the first of its kind
in Asia and its technology was developed locally. VLF
facilities exist at Chennai and Calcutta as well."
Andaman Islands &
the Straits of
Malacca - a Choke Point |
World Oil Transit Chokepoint
Sea Lanes Of Commerce Security in the Asia
Pacific, Professor Ji Guoxing, Asia-Pacific Centre for
Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2000 -
Straits of Malacca, being the main corridor between the Indian
Ocean and the South China Sea, has as many as 220 ship movements
in both directions per day at present, and would have 275 ship
movements by the year 2000. ..About 26 tankers, including three
fully loaded supertankers heading for Asian ports, pass through
the strait daily.'.. Tankers using the waterway by 2010 will be
two to three times more numerous than today. ''If the
strait were closed, nearly half of the world's fleet would be
required to sail further, generating a substantial increase in
the requirement for vessel capacity.''
Security in India’s Maritime East: Role of Andaman & Nicobar, G
S Khurana, Commander in the
Indian Navy and a Research Fellow at Institute for Defence
Studies and Analyses - "...India has very high stakes in the Bay of
Bengal and its adjoining seas. The confluence of vital sea lines
makes this region one of great strategic relevance to other
powers as well. This translates into both challenges and
opportunities for India. The Andaman & Nicobar archipelago had
long been perceived as India’s key vulnerability due to its
remote location and a history of some of its islands ‘slipping
away’ from the Indian dominion. Such wariness may be unfounded
in the present times. Appropriate measures have been taken to
strengthen its defence. The island chain can now play a greater
role towards securing India’s vital interests in the East beyond
merely protecting itself. To achieve this, India needs to adopt
a two-fold approach – first, augment its intrinsic capabilities,
and second, actively engage its maritime neighbours."
Stirling, Cockburn Sound
- Australia |

Stirling, Fleet Base West, Garden Island at Global
HMAS Stirling is Australia's largest
Fleet Base, capable of supporting half the fleet. It is
located on Garden Island in Cockburn Sound off
Rockingham, Western Australia in the Indian Ocean. The
island is connected to the mainland by a 4.2 km long
causeway. Rockingham is about 50 km south-west of Perth.
It includes a
Submarine Escape Training Facility - one of only six
in the world and the only one in the southern hemisphere
" In late 2002 the Australian government agreed to allow
the US military to use the HMAS Stirling naval base in
Cockburn Sound on the west coast of Australia to trial
its new “sea-swap” program. The plan is aimed at
boosting US naval firepower in the Indian Ocean and
Persian Gulf. Critics charge that the Australian
Federal and State Governments are working to make
Cockburn Sound a defacto base for the US navy. The plans
include flying thousands of US military personnel in and
out of Western Australia to meet US warships in Cockburn
Sound. Under the proposal the US navy would use WA as a
swap over point for the 7th fleet. Navy crew coming in
and out of theatres of war would go straight to WA
instead of US bases in San Diego or Hawaii. The state
government is investigating the possibility of upgrading
facilities at the Australian Marine Complex in Cockburn
Sound so that deep-water US aircraft carriers can use
the base. It has also established a task force involving
the ship repair, tourism and accommodation industries."
Stirling Naval Base at Global Security "
HMAS Stirling naval base in Cockburn Sound is located 15
kilometers from Fremantle, a densely populated suburb near
the state capital Perth. Garden Island is the site of
Australia's first free or non-convict settlements. The
island is 5 km off the mainland and is right next to one of
the fastest growing residential areas in Australia, Perth...
During World War II, Garden Island was used by the army,
navy and "Z" force. Careening Bay Camp (CBC) near Garden
Island was also called the Special Boat School Training
school for "Z" Special Operations Commandos. During WWII gin
batteries were located on Garden Island and the secret unit
(Z-Force) operated and trained there for their clandestine
raids against the Japanese. Following the war it became a
holiday resort again and the home of the RAN Reserve
Cockburn Sound is haven to Australia's naval defence
capability for the Indian Ocean Region. Cockburn Sound
is home to significant maritime facilities including the
Australian Marine Complex's shipbuilding and Australia's
Naval Forces stationed at Fleet Base West, Garden Island.
More than 2500 naval personnel are based on Garden Island
HMAS Stirling is also the Headquarters of the Australian
Submarine Squadron with all submarine training being carried
out in the Navy's large Submarine Systems and Training
Centre and the associated seven storey Escape Training
Facility on the island. Other ships based at Garden Island
are the replenishment oiler HMAS Westralia, and the busy
patrol boats HMAS Bunbury and HMAS Geraldton. Australian
Clearance Diving Team Four is also based at HMAS Stirling.
Still expanding within its existing perimeters, HMAS
Stirling is considered a good example of how with careful
environmental planning and research the Australian Defence
Force can live in harmony with nature..."

Sethusamudram Project & India
Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project
- Report by
Dr. P. Sivalingam "...India had maritime trade with various countries of
the world since time immemorial. Shipping trade among the various
coastal ports both on the west and east coast was also going on for
a very long period. India has a peninsular coast of 3554 nautical
miles. However, it is rather unfortunate that India does not have a
continuous navigable sea lane running within her territorial waters..."
Venkatesh in Sethusamudram: Strategic Asset, 26 May 2005
- "..Apart
from the commercial aspect, the proposed channel will
improve tremendously the power projection capabilities of
the Indian armed forces not just in the Arabian Sea and the
Bay of Bengal but deep into the Indian Ocean as well as far
as the Antarctic ice fields.
It will make possible the quick transfer of warships and
personnel between the Southern Naval Command at Cochin and
the Eastern Naval Command at Vishakhapatnam as well as the
Coastguard installations on both Indian seaboards.
A case in point was the Indian military intervention in the
Maldives when elements of the Sri Lankan militants sought to
overthrow the Gayoom government and set up a support base in
the island-nation for operations within Sri Lanka. At that
time the Indian Air Force airlifted a commando force which
nipped the invasion in the bud and the Indian Navy
intercepted a ship and captured the group that was preparing
to install itself as the government in the Maldives.
Tactically, it means that India will be able to bring to
bear in any interdiction mission within 1000 km of its
coastline a larger, more compact, strike force in both
attack and defence. This will be more particularly true when
India acquires the second aircraft carrier and possibly a
third indigenously-designed “sea control ship” to be built
at the Cochin shipyard.
The ability to deploy a carrier-led task force will make for
a sea-control mechanism comprising aircraft, surface ships
and submarines altogether a very formidable means of power
projection. Since every task force will include landing ship
tanks (LST) the ability to effectively patrol and protect
the offshore island territories of Lakshwadweep in the
Arabian Sea and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay
of Bengal and the exclusive economic zones surrounding them
will be improved exponentially.
Dharmaretnam Sivaram in Geo-Strategic Implications
of Sethusamudram, 6 October 2004 - "The
Sethusamudram Project.. would give India a firm grip on one of the
world's most strategic and busiest sea-lanes. This would
eventually give India very remarkable leverage in its relations
with China, Japan and the US.
All the oil supplies to Southeast and East Asia that originate in
the Middle East are shipped from ports in the Red Sea or the Persian
Gulf. The sea-lanes from here converge in the Arabian Sea and then
pass through the Gulf of Mannar and curve off the western, southern
and southeastern coast of Sri Lanka. This sea-lane then turns
northeast through the Bay of Bengal towards the Malacca
Strait. Eighty percent of Japan's oil supplies and sixty
percent of China's oil supplies shipped on this sea-lane.
Almost half of the world's container traffic passes through
the choke points of this sea-lane and its branches in the
Indian Ocean. ... The strategic importance of this by-pass should
also be understood in the light of New Delhi's ambitions for
becoming the Indian Ocean's predominant naval power."
Kappal Oddiya Thamilan
 Chola Empire at the height
of its Power circa 1050
Kappal Oddiya Thamilan: The Overseas Exploits of the Thamils & the Tragedy of Sri Lanka- G.K.Rajasuriyar
"...There is a saying in Tamil, `Thirai Kadal Odiyum Thiraviam
Thedu'- ride the mighty sea in quest of treasure. The Tamil spirit of
that age and captured in verse compiled by
Avaiyar reflected the
Tamil spirit of adventure that brought glory to King and country.
The huge vessels of the Pallava Kings of Southern India struck
East-Wards on the monsoon and by 100 BC, Indians met Chinese in the
Straits of Malacca. The Tamils plotted the course to the Straits of
Malacca never to be forgotten. They found it easy thereafter to bead
towards the rising sun from Kanchipuram in a direct course to the
Straits of Malacca. Their return journey with the change of the
monsoon they sailed with the setting sun on the Bay of Bengal. It is
stated by historians, that 'the Bay of Bengal was a playground of
the Tamil sailors'... The foot-prints of the Tamils in far-flung
countries of the East, has been documented by the countries
where they have left indelible marks in the sky-line, of
imposing Hindu and Buddhist temples, culture, religion and in
certain places contributed in the development of their language,
from ancient times."
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
‘Strategic Significance of Sri Lanka’
- Ramesh Somasundaram of Deakin University
quoted by
P.K. Balachandran in
Hindustan Times, 30 May 2005 - "Sri Lanka has had strategic importance in
world history since the 17th century, attracting the
Portuguese, Dutch, French, the British, and the Indians, in
succession. Now, we may add a new entity, “the international
community”, to the list of interested parties... Trincomalee
has immense significance in this age of nuclear weaponry and
nuclear submarine-based missile systems also...Given the
depth of the harbour, nuclear submarines are able to dive
low within the inner harbour to effectively avoid radar and
sonar detection.."
Just a few years ago, such an agreement would have been inconceivable given the
sensitivities of India in view of the geographical proximity of Sri Lanka. For
example, the grant of permission by Colombo to Voice of America to establish its
transmitter in the island and the leasing of oil tanks in Trincomalee port to
pro-American firms were major bones of contention between India and Sri Lanka
for decades.
Both the subjects were covered elaborately in the
exchange of letters between
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lanka's President J.R. Jayawardene as part
of the 1987 Indo-Sri Lanka Accord. "
Hambantota, Sri Lanka -
China |

China moves into India's back yard, Sudha Ramachandran in
Asia Times, 13
March 2007 - "..
China is all set to drop anchor at India's southern doorstep. An
agreement has been finalized between Sri Lanka and China under
which the latter will participate in the development of a port
project at Hambantota on the island's south coast. ...the
significance of Hambantota to China lies in its proximity to India's
south coast and on the fact that it provides Beijing with presence
midway in the
Indian Ocean.
The Indian Ocean is a critical waterway for global trade and commerce.
Half the
world's containerized freight, a third of its bulk cargo and two-thirds
of its
oil shipments travel through the Indian Ocean. It provides major sea
connecting Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia with Europe
and the
Americas and is home to several critical chokepoints such as the Strait
Hormuz and the Strait of Malacca...."
From "China fear" to "China fever"
- Pallavi Aiyar, Hindu, 27 February 2006 - "Sri Lanka is also being treated to a Chinese charm
offensive. Mr. Wen proposed to upgrade Sino-Sri Lankan relations to
an "all-round cooperative partnership" when he visited Colombo last
year. In the aftermath of the devastating tsunami in December 2004,
China committed $19 million to the reconstruction of six fishing
harbours. During his visit. the Premier pledged an additional $8.7
million to the tsunami-afflicted country in the spirit of "being a
good neighbour and a good partner." China has further offered
a preferential buyers' credit scheme for development projects.
Currently several such projects are under way in Sri Lanka with
Chinese financing and assistance, including the
Hambantota Bunkering
System, the Puttalam Coal Power Project, and the rail link between
Katunayake and Ratmalana...That China was able to gain observer status at the SAARC summit in Dhaka
in November 2005 as a result of pressure from Nepal, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh, despite Indian reluctance, shows how far its influence is
spreading in the region. "
China undertakes construction of Hambantota Port,
11 April 2005
China, Sri Lanka Joint Communique
, 3 September 2005
Marao, Maldives - China
"The location of the Republic of Maldives astride the major sea lanes
in the Indian Ocean is of strategic relevance to India"
- Indian Ministry of Defence's Annual Report, 2000

China's Submarine Base in Maldives
- "China may have clinched a deal with the Maldives to build a naval facility
capable of hosting submarines on the island of Marao, 40 km from the capital
Male. According to the Israeli website DEBKA, the deal may have been signed and
sealed in May 2005 during Premier Zhu-Rongji's visit to Male. It will allow
China to lease the island for 25 years and develop it, which means jobs for the
locals. Pakistan apparently, was instrumental in 'persuading' the Maldives to
lease the island to the Chinese. The island will be operational in 2010. It's
not clear how India, given its excellent relations with the Maldives, allowed
this deal to go through."
China's big worry is the extended lease of the US's Diego Garcia base, and
American moves to deploy submarines in the Malacca Strait despite Malaysia and
Indonesia's refusal to give permission in February, and the certain presence of
at least two US submarines in the Taiwan Strait to defend Taiwan against China."
"Marao is one of the
largest of the 1192 coral islands grouped into atolls that comprise Maldives and
lies 40 km south of Male, the capital.
Coral islands make fine submarine pens. The Peoples' Liberation Army Navy or
PLAN proposes to deploy nuclear submarines fitted with sea-launched Dong Feng-44
missiles and ballistic missiles (SLBMs) in Marao. "
Diego Garcia - US
Stealing a Nation
- The two part film about the US bases in Diego Garcia by John Pilger show the
lengths to which Britain and the USA will go to secure their strategic interests
in the Indian Ocean.
Part One
Part Two
US Navy builds Stingray-esque base in Indian Ocean -
Frogmen, mini-subs to operate from nuke motherships - Lewis
Page, 7 April 2007 - "... The base
improvements will allow its new class of SSGN nuclear submarines
to operate from Diego Garcia... The tiny island group is
situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, giving the US and
its allies access to various strategic maritime choke points
such as the Straits of Hormuz – the entrance to the Gulf – and
the pirate-plagued waters of the
Bab-el-Mandeb at the foot of
the Red Sea. Perhaps even more significantly in the light of
recent events, Diego Garcia is a useful base for operations off
the south-eastern coastline of Iran, close to the border with
the lawless frontier regions of Pakistan....
SSGNs aren't your
average nuclear submarine... (They) can nowadays carry 66 elite
special-forces frogmen, who will typically be
SEALs or
possibly members of the new
US Marines MARSOC outfit.
reports suggest that up to 102 underwater warriors may be able
to cram in for short periods. The subs will have a "dry hangar",
an underwater docking bay allowing the frogmen to deploy from
their mother ship aboard
SEAL Delivery Vehicles
(SDVs), minisubs
which can carry them in to enemy coastlines. Once the frogmen
are in action, perhaps ashore in coastal regions, in enemy
harbours or far inland by river, they won't be lacking support.
A normal submarine can, of course, launch
cruise missiles to
attack targets inland; but the SSGNs are something special in
this regard. Each sub is said to carry up to 154
Tomahawks, robot kamikaze jets which can be remotely piloted to
strike locations a thousand miles inland..."
Madagascar - India |
all ears in the Indian Ocean - Sudha Ramachandran in Asia
Times, 3 March 2006 "India is
reportedly planning to set up a high-tech monitoring station
in northern Madagascar to tackle piracy and terrorism, while
keeping an eye on China and the sea lanes that are so
critical to Delhi's economy and security. It would be the
first such facility New Delhi has opened in another
country.. India will pay US$2.5 million to lease
the station, because it apprehends threats to its
strategic naval assets and its political, economic and
military interests in Africa," the online Public Affairs
Magazine reported. "The monitoring station will have
high-tech digital communication systems." The monitoring
station is in tune with Indian maritime doctrine that
envisages an ambient forward naval presence from the Strait
of Hormuz to the Strait of Malacca. Madagascar is in a rough
neighborhood. To the north is civil-war-racked Somalia,
which hasn't had a functioning central government for more
than a decade."
Cochin in Kerala, India |
Indian Navy to station spy drones in Kochi, Times of India,
23 December 2005 " India's maritime snooping
capabilities are all set to get a boost, with the Navy now
ready to operationally deploy its first-ever squadron of
Israeli UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or spy drones.
The Navy's first UAV squadron, with eight Searcher-II and
four Heron UAVs, which can transmit imagery in real-time to
their ground control stations by day as well as night, will
be formally commissioned at Kochi by Navy chief Admiral Arun
Prakash on January 6. "
Defence India
" The Indian navy is deployed under three
area commands, each headed by a flag officer. The Western
Naval Command is headquartered in Bombay on the Arabian Sea;
the Southern Naval Command in Kochi (Cochin), in Kerala,
also on the Arabian Sea; and the Eastern Naval Command in
Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, on the Bay of Bengal.
Additionally, the navy has important bases in Calcutta and
Goa. The Southern Naval Command is responsible for naval officer
training, which occurs at the Indian Naval Academy in Goa.
Officer candidates are largely drawn from the National
Defence Academy. After commissioning, officers are offered
specialized training in antisubmarine warfare, aviation,
communications, electronic warfare, engineering, hydrography,
maritime warfare, missile warfare, navigation, and other
naval specialties at various naval training institutions,
many of which are collocated with the Training Command
headquarters on Willingdon Island, near Kochi."
on the Development of Cochin " ...Cochin, or Kochi, today refers to a
cluster of islands and towns, including Ernakulam,
Mattancheri, Fort Cochin, Willingdon Island, Vypin Island,
and Gundu Island. The Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares
Cabral founded the first European settlement on Indian soil
at Cochin in 1500. Vasco da Gama, discoverer of the sea
route to India, established the first Portuguese factory
(trading station) there in 1502, and the Portuguese viceroy
Afonso de Albuquerque built the first European fort in India
there in 1503. The city remained a Portuguese possession
until it was conquered by the Dutch in 1663. .. Cochin
prospered under Dutch rule (1663–1795), shipping pepper,
cardamom, other spices and drugs, coir, coconut, and copra..
British rule over Cochin lasted from 1795 until 1947. In
early 20th century, a modern port with dry docks and ship
repair yards was constructed, and Willingdon Island
(connecting Fort Cochin with Ernakulam and other townships
by a rail bridge and road) was built from the dredgings of
the harbor's inner channels. After India's independence,
Cochin became the major training centre for the Indian
Karwar in Karnataka,
India |
A base for a blue-water navy - Project Seabird, Karwar
- Hindu Report 3 June 2005 - "INS Kadamba in Karwar,
India's first naval base with a port controlled
exclusively by the Navy, and the biggest of its kind
this side of the Suez, is all set to be
India's Project Seabird and
Indian Ocean's Balance of Power, PINR, 20 July 2005 - " Project Seabird (at Karwar in
Karnataka). This plan - with origins from the mid-1980s
- is to be assessed in light of two geopolitical
triangles juxtaposing on the Indian Ocean's background:
U.S.-India-China relations and China-Pakistan-India
relations. .. India is emerging as a major power that
follows its own grand strategy in order to enhance its
power and interests... The geopolitics of the Arabian Sea and the Western Indian Ocean
largely explain India's determination in such an $8.13 billion
enterprise. The China-Pakistan-India triangle is more than
ever the Arabian Sea's decisive geostrategic setting... Indian Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on May 31 that the
naval base INS Kadamba in Karwar, Karnataka state will protect the
country's Arabian Sea maritime routes. Kadamba will become
India's third operational naval base, after Mumbai and
INS Kadamba - INS Seabird at Global
Security - "...Project Seabird was a program to
establish a new Naval Base, the INS Kadamba. This base
would be India's first base exclusively for naval ships
and the largest. Prior to its existence, naval ships
shared space with commercial vessels at the two major
ports in Mumbai and Visakhampatnam as well as smaller
enclaves in Kochi, Goa and other small ports. A new
Naval Base on the western coast was sanctioned in 1985
primarily on strategic consideration for completion by
1995 to provide additional infrastructure for the
growing Naval Fleet. Karwar in Karnataka was chosen as
the location of this base. The base would is under the
jurisdiction of the Western Naval Command."
China's Strategy of Containing India
- Dr. Mohan Malik, 6 February 2006 - "...India's so-called "healthy competition
with China" is becoming one of rivalry. In fact, China's behavior
toward India is not much different from that of the U.S.' behavior
toward China for the simple reason that China is a status-quo power
with respect to India while the U.S. is a status-quo power with
regards to China..."
 Birds Eye View of Project Seabird
Pakistan - China |
China funds big deep-sea port in Pakistan - Zarar Khan
Associated Press 26 May 2007 GWADAR, Pakistan
-- By the waters of the Arabian Sea, a remote Pakistani
fishing town is being transformed into a massive deep-sea
port to cash in on the inexorable rise of the Chinese
Gwadar port, a $250 million project that is 80 percent
Chinese funded, is expected to start operations later this
year to capitalize on its strategic location amid South
Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. The port lies near
the Straits of Hormuz, through which about 20 percent of the
world's oil is transported. Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat
Aziz recently said Gwadar could "change the map of shipping
in the world" and serve as a regional energy hub for
shipping and refining oil from the Persian Gulf.
Ziad Haider
on Baluchis, Beijing, and Pakistan’s Gwadar Port , 10 May 2004
- "..Gwador
lies at the heart of President Musharraf’s vision of prosperity for Pakistan. It is
meant to transform Pakistan into a vibrant hub of commercial
activity among the energy rich Gulf and Central Asian states,
Afghanistan, and China, and to provide the Pakistan Navy with
strategic depth along its coast-line as a naval base. The port will also enable China to diversify its
crude oil import routes and extend its presence in the Indian
Ocean. Thus, China’s contribution of technical assistance, 450
workers and 80 percent of the funds for the construction of the
port, is one of the latest chapters in the storied “all-weather”
China’s primary interests in the Gwadar port are to continue
consolidating its relationship with Pakistan through large -
scale collaborative development projects, to diversify and
secure its crude oil import oil routes, and to extend its
presence in the Indian Ocean. In 2003 China imported 51 percent
of its total crude imports from the Middle East; however,
increasing piracy in the Straits of Malacca has compelled China
to look for alternate routes.."
Gwadar in Pakistan:
China's Naval Outpost on the Indian Ocean
- "Four months after the U.S. ordered its troops into
Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime, China and
Pakistan joined hands to break ground in building a
Deep Sea Port on the Arabian Sea. The project was
sited in an obscure fishing village of Gwadar in
Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan, bordering
Afghanistan to the northwest and Iran to the southwest.
Gwadar is nautically bounded by the Persian Gulf in the
west and the Gulf of Oman in the southwest...Initially,
China was reluctant to finance the Gwadar port project
because Pakistan offered the U.S. exclusive access to
two of its critical airbases in Jacobabad (Sind) and
Pasni (Baluchistan) during the U.S. invasion of
Afghanistan. According to a Times of India report on
February 19, 2002, Gen. Musharraf had to do a lot of
explaining for leasing these bases to America. China,
the Times of India reported, was also upset with
Pakistan for allowing the U.S. to establish listening
posts in Pakistan's Northern Areas, which border
Xinjiang and Tibet. When China finally agreed to offer
financial and technical assistance for the project, it
asked for "sovereign guarantees" to use the Port
facilities to which Pakistan agreed, despite U.S. unease
over it. "
Strategic Importance of Gwadar Port
- "..Located at the entrance of
the Gulf and about 460 kms from Karachi, Gwadar has had
immense Geostrategic significance on many accounts. The
continued unstable regional environment in the Gulf in
particular as a result of the Iran/Iraq war, the Gulf war
and the emergence of the new Central Asian States has added
to this importance. Considering the Geo-economic imperative
of the regional changes, the ADB’s Ports Master Plan studies
considered an alternate to the Gulf Ports to capture the
transit trade of the Central Asian Republic (CAR) as well as
the trans-shipment trade of the region. Both Karachi and PQA
were considered for such development but were found
unattractive to major shipping lines due to the remoteness
from the main shipping routes, the limitations of draft for
mother ships and large bulk oil carriers and the comparative
long turn around times. The ADB studies, however considered
Gwadar to have the most advantageous location for such an
alternative port in the region, which could handle mother
ships and large oil tankers in due course.
Ocean Region - a Satellite View
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